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Top 5 Nutrition Tips for Sustainable Results!

Benefits of personal training for pain relief

January 13, 2022

There are no secrets to weight loss, however there is often an over supply of advice from conflicting sources


This makes it incredibly confusing! It doesn’t need to be


I’ve compiled the best 5 tips for losing and maintaining weight loss:


1) Calories are King!


If you eat more calories than you use, you put on weight, and vice versa


With this equation you either need to decrease calories in, or increase calories out, it’s best to do a combination of both


“You can’t out train a bad diet” rings true here, it’s obviously very easy to eat (or drink) 3,000 calories in a day​, however it’s really hard (if not impossible) to burn that many


That’s why training to “burn calories” is often a bad avenue, as it never actually works in the long term, if you don’t pay attention to your food it slowly creeps up until your back where you started


2) Quality over quantity


There is an often over looked but important part to this


I​t’s quite possible to eat 1,000 calories at a Chinese restaurant and still walk out hungry, whereas if you eat 1,000 calories of steak and roast vegetables… 


Let’s be honest, you probably can’t eat that much steak and vegetables, you’d be full half way through


​Choose higher volume, nutrient dense foods (in other words unprocessed foods), like vegetables, fruit, and meat or nuts


At least more often than you eat processed versions, like pasta, bread and processed meat substitutes


3) Build Slack into your Nutrition


Remember when I said sustainable?


It’s not sustainable to be 100% perfect all the time, include meals out with friends, events, takeaways into your plan


If you build these things into the plan with intent you’re much less likely to end up mindlessly overeating when they do come around


What an incredibly freeing idea to know you can still have a busy social life and eat well, it’s possible


​4) Plan in Advance


I’m not talking about meal prepping for 134 hours on a Sunday, if you want to do that, fine


But! It’s not necessary, instead just write out what you’ll have for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day for the week


This one step makes you 4 times more likely to stick to the plan


4 times!! That’s such a huge gain for a really simple step


It gives you a plan for meals, and shopping and takes away the danger of trying to decide what to eat after a 10 hour day when you’re exhausted and your will power is gone


Make sure your plan includes events and meals out, if you include them in the plan you’ll be more likely to not blow all your hard work


You aren’t cheating on your nutrition when you eat out because it’s a part of your nutrition!


4) Build Slack into your Nutrition


This links well into the last point


​​Remember when I said sustainable?


It’s not sustainable to be 100% perfect all the time, include meals out with friends, events, takeaways into your plan


If you build these things into the plan with intent you’re much less likely to end up mindlessly overeating when they do come around


What an incredibly freeing idea to know you can still have a busy social life and eat well, it’s possible


5) Eat Slowly


This is by far the thing most people find the hardest


It’s also incredibly important


There is a 10 minute gap between when your belly is full and the message is relayed to your brain


That means if you finish your meal in 5 minutes and go fill up your plate again and eat that in 5 minutes, the message has only just reached your brain that you’ve had enough


And you feel terrible, because you’ve eaten WAY too much


Ever had that feeling?


A fun little challenge is to set the timer on your phone to 15 minutes and see if you can make your dinner last that long


Do it with friends and family, you’re going to need someone to chat to in between bites!


Pro tip: put your knife and fork down in between bites and finish chewing your food before you pick them back up again


If you did nothing else but follow those 5 tips you​’ll be better off in 4 weeks time and I guarantee if you stick with them you’ll be even better off in 4 years time


Quick results, that will last ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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