Don’t focus on the scales, focus on this instead
To juggle better you need to catch better. Right?
So, if you were to learn how to juggle, what would you focus on?
The throw
You see, if you execute the throw well, then the catch takes care of itself
You will drop it sometimes, or the wind will blow it off course, whatever
If all you did was focus on the catch, you’d be swapping out the part that you have 100% control of, for the part of which you have limited control
The throw is what matters
And how to get better at throwing? Well, to throw of course
What about weight lost. Is that the catch, or the throw? Take a minute to decide before reading
Who am I kidding? You already skipped ahead
What actually matters?
It’s the catch
By focussing on weight lost you are focussing on the thing you have limited control of, environmental, hormonal, sleep, sodium content, can all have an impact of weight lost (or gained)
You can’t control all of these things
Actions though. Those you can control with much greater accuracy
Hitting an extra 2,000 steps a day
Eating an extra serve of vegetables with every meal
Going to bed at 9:30, instead of 12
That’s the throw
The better you get at those things, the better you will get at the catching
Not to say you can’t keep track of catches, it can serve a purpose
Start with the throws though, and the catches will take care of themselves
Read this for more information on how to get started on your weight loss journey:
Need help with juggling, or weight loss? Reach out for a plan
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