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Why Less is More

This is a conversation I have a lot with new clients “I want to lose weight, I’ve put on a lot of weight in the last year” “I need to train 6 times, that’s when I was at my leanest” “So, what happened, why aren’t you still there?” “Oh I got too busy/I have kids...
Have your wine and drink it too!

Have your wine and drink it too!

Losing weight WITHOUT giving up alcohol You would lose weight but you like red wine too much What if I told you it was possible to have both? A glass of red win a night is not going to stop you from creating a body that you love, one that gives you the energy to do...

How to eat during the holidays

Just relax, eat whatever you like, drink, be merry    Look, it’s not bad advice    It’s the holidays after all, you should be relaxing   The key though, is whether you actually find that relaxing, you might not    It might be that eating enough to...